100 years of climate change in 20 seconds. NASA video

2016 was the warmest year ever measured. This is what leading climate institutions reported a few days ago. NASA has therefore prepared an animation showing how the climate has changed over the past hundred years.

Another warmest year on record was reported by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in its reports – U.S. government agency for weather forecasting and warnings of extreme weather events and NASA, although similar analyses have been conducted by other major institutes – The World Meteorological Organization, the Met Office (the British national weather service affiliated with the Ministry of Defense there) or the Japan Meteorological Agency.

2016 is the third year in a row in whichóin which heat records are broken. Regardless of how the temperature of the planet has changed over the 4.5 billion years of its existence, it is nothing in porówn comparison to what we have seen in the last century. And just such an animation, showing climate change over the last century, was prepared by NASA.

The data, thanks to whichóhe origin of this krótki film, go back to 1880, when temperature records began to be collected. Until around 1970, it can be seen that the temperature fluctuates bringing once warmer, once colder summers. But since around 1980, the temperature has exclusively been rising.